Posting #PS00226





WASD New Kindergarten Students

August 11 – August 15, 2025



Kinder Camp Description


WASD Kinder camp is designed to prepare children for Kindergarten in the fall. The half days are filled with fun math, writing, and reading activities. Children will be introduced to school-day routines, whole group and small group instruction, and hands-on centers. Students will be using and developing their fine and gross motor skills as well as their social and emotional skills, learning through play.


Teacher Expectations


CertificationRelevant PDE Certifications. Preference will be given to current WASD Kindergarten teachers for teaching                               positions, then based on certification and seniority list.


Start Date: Dates as noted above Aug 11 – Aug 15, 2025




Teacher Compensation:


The 2025 Kinder camp compensation does not obligate the district to any future structure or compensation or create a past practice.



ASSIGNMENT:          Hepburn/Jackson/Cochran

                                  Subject to Determination of the Superintendent





The criteria used for determining eligibility when applying for posted vacancies is "seniority date".  This date is a reference to the employee’s start date as a permanent employee with the district.


  1. Professional staff who have been in the District fewer than four years, must complete 4 years before applying for internal vacancies.
  2. Any employee who voluntarily transferred in to a position (beginning with the 2018-19 school year) must be in that position for at least 5 years before bidding on vacancies


Interested candidates for the position noted above must complete an online applicationPlease see the instructions on our website to submit your online application/bid.  Visit  Call 327-5500 ext. 40200, email:, or visit 2780 West Fourth Street, Williamsport to contact the Human Resources Office for more information.