

Summer School Accelerated Teacher Positions, WAHS (SS PS00126)

Job Posting

Job Details

TitleSummer School Accelerated Teacher Positions, WAHS
Posting IDSS PS00126

 Posting #SS PS00126



Summer School Acceleration Teaching Positions:


Half Credit 

  • June 9 – June 27, 2025  (PE, Career Pathways)
  • July 7 – July 27, 2025 (Health 01)

Full Credit

(English, Math, Science and Social Studies)

Algebra II, Geometry Honors, Trigonometry, Career Math

Psychology and Sociology, Civics and Government, World History

  • June 9 – August 1, 2025
  • * Thursday, July 5, 2025 no school for staff or students

Course student enrollments: Minimum 10 and Maximum 40


Teacher Expectations

  • Teacher will host a required orientation at the high school on June 9th or July 7th (Health)
  • All curriculum, lessons, assignments, and assessments, will be completed through Edgenuity other than (Health, Career Pathways – completed in Schoology)
  • PE will be in person only for 15 days at WAHS
  • Live lessons delivered daily, Monday – Friday between the hours of 8:00 -3:30 p.m. (PE, Health, Career Pathways – completed in Schoology)
  • Live lessons recorded for asynchronous learners. (PE, Health, Career Pathways – completed in Schoology)
  • Teachers will offer daily office hours where they provide progress reports, check in meetings; individual and/or small group tutoring time and record it for asynchronous learners. Teachers will provide a schedule to administration. (Edgenuity).

CERTIFICATION:     Relevant PDE Certifications


START DATE:           Dates as noted above




Teacher Compensation

.5 Credit Days: 15 days

1.0 Credit Days: 39 days

Compensated hours per day: 3.0 hours

Instructional Hourly Rate: $35.10 per hour 


Total Teacher Compensation

PE and Career Pathways: .5 Credit = $1,579.50 (+ $375 = 2.5 days of course prep, and final grading*) TOTAL $1954.50

Health O1: .5 Credit = $1579.50 (+ $375 = 2.5 days of course prep, and final grading*) TOTAL $1929.50


1.0 Credit = $4106.70 (+ $375 = 2.5 days of course prep, and final grading*) TOTAL $4481.70

*Course Preparation time and final grading may be remote or in person 



The district will distribute courses across applicants to avoid doubling up courses with one instructor.  This is to alleviate scheduling conflicts between courses.


The 2025 summer school compensation does not obligate the district to any future structure or compensation or create a past practice.


Assignment:    Williamsport Area High School - online

                         Subject to Determination of the Superintendent




The criteria used for determining eligibility when applying for posted vacancies is "seniority date".  This date is a reference to the employee’s start date as a permanent employee with the district.

  1. Professional staff who have been in the District fewer than four years, must complete 4 years before applying for internal vacancies.
  2. Any employee who voluntarily transferred in to a position (beginning with the 2018-19 school year) must be in that position for at least 5 years before bidding on vacancies again.

 Interested candidates for the position noted above must complete an online applicationPlease see the instructions on our website to submit your online application/bid.  Visit

Shift TypeTemporary schedule
Salary RangeContract Rate
LocationWilliamsport Area High School

Applications Accepted

Start Date03/03/2025
End Date03/14/2025